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Writer's pictureAndré Delicata

When sorry doesn't cut it

Having a minister as a boyfriend does have benefits, doesn't it? You get to earn €68,000 a year for shooting off a few one-liner emails. It's hard to imagine it getting any better.

The sad thing is that now, fraudulent acts have become normalised, with the Prime Minister's failure to act against them. With the police's failure to act against them.

Decent people are doing their best to make ends meet. In the meantime, hordes of labour cronies are employed and getting paid astronomical salaries for phantom jobs. That's criminal.

Do join Republikka's discussion on this - details below.

Repubblika LIVE l-Ħamis 14 ta' Novembru fis-6pm

Għal darb'oħra membri tal-Gvern inqabdu jagħtu flus il-poplu lill-ħbieb intimi tagħhom. Dan wara li l-Kummissarju tal-Istandards sab li żewġ ministri taw 'xogħol' ta' konsulenza ta' €68,000 lill-mara tal-Minisru għat-Turiżmu Clayton Bartolo. Il-Kummissarju qal ukoll li ma sab xejn x'jindika li dan ix-xogħol, b'paga ta' eluf ta' ewro, sar. Wara li ħareġ ir-rapport tal-Kummissarju, Repubblika talbet lill-Pulizija biex tinvestiga l-każ ta' frodi mit-taxxi tal-poplu.

Jiddiskutu: Manuel Delia, Dr Jason Azzopardi u Prof. Vicki Ann Cremona

Imexxi: Christoph Schwaiger

1 comment

1 Comment

Roberta Bela’
Nov 14

So sick of those damn smug smiles…. sickening the pair of them 🤮

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